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Civic Space, SDGs, Stakeholders, Theories of change, and blablabla...

Writer: Chris Owusu BarfiChris Owusu Barfi

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

Have you ever felt confused by all the fancy words used when people talk about international development? If you have, you're not the only one. Breaking down all that fancy international development jargon is super important because it helps us in so many ways. When we use those big, complicated words, it's like trying to talk in secret code. It confuses people, and this constitutes one more barrier to the effective participation of you and I into the global (sometimes local) discussions on how to make this world a better place.

A man trying to cut through all the noise.

Do you remember the SDG goal number 17? Oops let’s rephrase this.... A key plan guiding all efforts to improve our world is the Sustainable Development Goals, often abbreviated SDGs. The 17th goal of this plan (more specifically the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth subcomponent) put a special focus on the need for everyone to be involved for this to work. For everyone to be involved, we need everyone to understand what is being done, why and how. To achieve this, jargon does not help! But what is jargon? Why have we started using complex words for almost everything development related? And should we get rid of it?

International development is very complex

A simple definition of Jargon

Jargon refers to special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand. Using special words and phrases can be useful for people who are experts in different jobs, like those who work in development. First of all, jargon acts like a secret code that experts use to talk very precisely about hard stuff. It is kind of like taking a shortcut through a maze of tricky ideas. Thanks to jargon, when professionals chat with each other, they don't have to explain everything from the very beginning, which can take a long time. Also, jargon is like having a special language just for their type of work. When everyone in a group understands this language, it stops misunderstandings from happening. It's a bit like everyone speaking the same language in a foreign country – it helps everyone get what's going on much easier. Therefore, jargon helps experts talk quickly and clearly about tough topics, and it stops them from getting mixed up when they're working together.

No one will be left behind

SDG: Leave No One Behind

Do you remember SDG goal 17? Everyone must be involved? in other words, no one should be left behind. However, when development actors communicate to citizens while using jargon, they contribute to leaving a lot of people behind. Complex jargon can prevent citizens, marginalized communities who are the very focus of the "No One Left Behind" agenda to engage with development programs and interventions. When people don't understand the language used in development discussions, they are less likely to engage in the decision-making process, leaving their needs and perspectives unaddressed. It is therefore important to ensure that jargon does not prevent citizens from fully engaging in development work.

Making international development talk easy to understand is like opening the door to fairness, clarity, and making sure development projects truly help people.

Development actors need to actively avoid using jargon while communicating with masses. In fact, using simple words makes it crystal clear what we're talking about. No more head-scratching, just straightforward communication. And that's a big win because it means more people can get involved and have a say in what's going on. Also, it helps keep those in charge accountable. Think of it like shining a spotlight on their actions. If they're doing something shady, using plain language makes it easier for us to see it. Plus, it's all about empowering local communities. They should know what's happening with their own development, right? Simple language makes that possible. Then, when it comes to making smart development policies, clear communication is key. We need to talk in a way that makes sense so we can make good decisions. Finally, it's all about sharing knowledge and coming up with new, effective ideas. Simple language makes it easier to learn from each other and get creative in the world of development.

Making international development talk easy to understand is like opening the door to fairness, clarity, and making sure development projects truly help people.

Jargon, Noise, Blablabla

It is to adress this issue that we designed Devdico – a trailblazing venture with a mission to unravel the enigmatic world of development jargon, making it a welcoming domain for all.

Devdico: Your Compass Through Development Jargon

Meet Devdico, the shorthand for "Development Dictionary." Picture it as your trusty companion on a quest to bridge the gap between complex development terminology and the everyday person. Our purpose is both straightforward and timely: we're here to demystify the international development language and serve it up in a way that resonates with everyone.

  • We are your translation experts, turning complex definitions into everyday language that resonates.

  • We are breaking down barriers with the magic of visuals. Through captivating illustrations, we're painting vivid pictures that reveal the heart of those puzzling expressions.

  • Devdico is not just a dictionary; it's your guidebook. We are not content with merely defining terms – we are your companions on a journey to seamlessly integrate this knowledge into your daily life.

  • "What" Imagine meeting a new friend. You're introduced to a word, given a simple explanation, and shown a friendly picture to help you understand it.

  • “Why” Have you ever wondered why these words are important? We're going to explain why they matter, how often people use them, and why they're not just fancy words - they're part of everyday life.

  • “How” We're not just going to show you around; we're going to explore together. We'll give you practical tools, like understanding similar ideas and finding more information. We want to help you use these concepts in your everyday life.

Our goal is to help everyone understand and talk about international development, even if it's new to them. We want to have important conversations and make positive changes in this field. So, get ready for an exciting journey with us.

We'll make complex things simple and turn confusing words into stories you can relate to. Get ready to learn and join us in decoding international development jargon. Stay curious and engaged because we're here to guide you towards a clearer understanding, like a guiding star.


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